
2022-08-05 教育 99阅读
The verb volunteer was first recorded in 1755 from the noun, in C.1600, "one who offers himself for military service," by M.Fr. Voluntaire. In the non-military sense, the word was first recorded during the 1630s. The word volunteering has more recent usage—still predominantly military—coinciding with the word community service.In a military context, a volunteer army
is a military body whose soldiers chose to enter service, as opposed to having been
conscripted. Such volunteers do not work "for free" and are given regular pay.
Prior to the 19th century, few formal charitable organizations existed to assist people in need.
During this time, America experienced the Great Awakening. People became aware of the
disadvantaged and realized the cause for the movement against slavery. Younger
people started helping the needy in their communities. In 1851, the first YMCA in the United
States was started, followed seven years later by the first YWCA. During the Civil War, women
volunteered their time to sew supplies for the soldiers. Salvation Army is one of the oldest
and largest organization working for disadvantaged people.

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity produces a feeling of self-worth and respect; however, there is no financial gain. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development,
socialization, and fun. It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment.
Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education,
or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.
Community volunteering refers to volunteers who work to improve
community enhancement efforts in the area in which they live.
Neighborhood, church, and community groups play a key role in building
strong cities from the neighborhoods up. Supporting these understaffed
groups can enable them to succeed in a variety of areas, which connect
social, environmental, and economic boundaries. Volunteers can conduct a
wide range of activities. Some choose to support a variety of groups as
a "volunteer broke".