
2020-04-27 教育 97阅读
yuanmingyuan was built during the qing dynasty. 本来是康熙皇帝赐给儿子 、后来的雍正皇帝的园林。it took 151 y ears to finish this grand garden. it cover ed 350 hectares at its largest. yuanming yuan was famous for its size, grand buil dings, great architecture and enormous collection of jewelry, books,china, etc. ( 收藏). 它的盛名在欧洲都有流传,被誉为“ 万园之园”、“世界园林的典范”。 it's sad that the uk and french armi es burned down yuanmingyuan and plu ndered the enormous rare collections o f jewelry, books,china, etc. in the garde n. 今天我们能看到的就是圆明园遗址公 园。在游览这些历史遗迹的时候,可不要 忘记英法联军的暴行。