
2020-10-27 教育 122阅读
I think it's time, we give it up 我想我们是时候放弃了
And figure out what's stopping us
From breathing easy, and talking straight 让我们无法自由呼吸和畅所直言
The way is clear if you're ready
now 如果你现在准备好了那么自然
The volunteer is slowing
down 心甘情愿的人也就放慢了脚步
And taking time to save himself
The little cracks they escalated 细小的裂缝正在加深
And before you know it is too late 等你知道的时候已经太晚了
For making circles and telling lies 在原地说着谎言
You're moving too fast for me 对我来说你走的太快
I can't keep up with you 我追赶不上
Maybe if you slowed down for
me 可能如果你能为我放慢脚步
I could see you're only telling
Lies, lies, lies 我就可以看清楚你只是在说着谎言
us down with your
Lies, lies, lies 你的谎言让我们分离
When will you learn 你什么时候才能懂
The little cracks they escalated 细小的裂缝正在加深
And before you know it is too late 等你知道的时候已经太晚了
For making circles and telling lies 在原地说着谎言
You're moving too fast for me 对我来说你走的太快
I can't keep up with you 我追赶不上
Maybe if you'd slowed down
for me 可能如果你能为我放慢脚步
I could see you're only telling
Lies, lies, lies 我就可以看清楚你只是在说着谎言
us down with your
Lies, lies, lies 你的谎言让我们分离
When will you learn 你什么时候才能懂
So plant the
thought and watch it grow 种上了思念然后看着它成长
Wind it up and let it
go 风起了,带走了它。