求一份英语演讲稿 给幼儿园小孩讲的 2分钟左右的 要可爱的

2020-05-18 教育 91阅读
(The Wind And The Sun)
One day the wind said, “Look at the man walking along the road. I can take off his cloak quicker than you .”
“We will be waitting to see that,” said the sun. “you can try first.”
The wind began to blow the man in order to take off his cloak, but the man just pulled his cloak closer around himself.
Finally the wind said,“I give up,I failed.” Then the sun shone as strong as he can.At last the man felt hot and took off his cloak.
-.-把分给我就行了 答案补充 我是你的Li姐