
2020-06-04 教育 106阅读
1 你喜欢健身吗?/ 你喜欢锻炼身体吗?
Do you like worikng out?(work out是很口语的一句话,美剧里经常出现)
2 你喜欢去健身房运动吗?
Do you like doing sports in gym?
3 你每周去健身房运动几次?
How many times do you work out in the gym every week?
4 他每周去健身房运动3次。
He goes to the gym three times a week.
5 他很喜欢我做的饭菜
He enjoys my cooking very much.
6 我们明天要去参加体检
We are going to have a checkup tomrrow.
