
2020-06-04 教育 76阅读
MPT_VORONOI Computes the voronoi diagram via mpLP


The voronoi diagram is a partition of the state space; For a given set of
points pj, each region Pn(j) is defined as
Pn(j)={x \in R^n | d(x,pj)<=d(x,pi), \forall i \neq j}

points - Optional input:
Matrix p times nx of points: nx is state space dimension and
p is the number of points
The entry is graphical in 2D if no parameters are passed.
Options.pbound - A "bounding polytope". If provided, the voronoi cells will
be bounded by this polytope. If not provided, the cells will
be bounded by a hypercube as big as 1.5x the maximum
coordinate of any of the seed points
Options.plot - If set to 1, plots the voronoi diagram (0 is default)
Options.sortcells - If set to 1, resulting Voronoi partition will be ordered
in a way such that Pn(i) corresponds to seed point i.
(Default is 1)