题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文 1.介绍家庭主要成员; 2.描述令你难忘的家庭活动。

2020-05-04 教育 292阅读
I come from a family with three members: my mother, my father and me. My parents are at their 40's/50's/60's. I am ( ) years old. We live in ( ) City, ( ) province, China. It is a beautiful city with ( a lot of trees/flowers). We often go out for a picnic in a park or have a short trip to the hills at weekends by driving. I remember last time we had a picnic was in the ( ) Park. It was a nice sunny day with a little breeze. We drove to there, parked outside, and walked into it. The first view came into my sight was a full range of mutiple coloured roses with such a strong sweet scent. I couldn't help myself stopping by and having a photo taken of me with these beautiful pedals. We had birds flying around and singing for us while we had our picnic lunch under an old willow tree by the clear lake. I still remember the scenery picture in my mind even though this was two months ago. I really enjoy my life in this city, with so loving parents. I think it is love that makes a family warm and happy, not anything else.


题目:My family 我的家庭
1. My family numbers and our ages. 家庭成员,年龄。
2. Where we live. What is this place like? 居住地址
3. What we often do. 经常做什么
4. An activity we had recently. 最近一次活动
5.When did that happen, and where, with whom? 时间地点人物
6.What did we do? 做了什么--事件
7.Why did I like it? 为何喜欢
8.How do I feel about my family?对家庭有何感受或感想
