1、select a.xh,a.xm,a.xb,b.bjmc from xsb a,bjb b where a.id=b.bjb_id
2、select b.xh,b.xm,b.xb,a.bjmc,c.yw,c.sx from bjb a,xsb b,cjb c where a.id=b.bjb_id and b.id=c.id
3、select a.id,a.bjmc,count(*) from bjb a,xsb b where a.id=b.bjb_id group by a.id,a.bjmc
4、select b.xh,b.xm,a.bjmc,c.yw+c.sx from bjb a,xsb b,cjb c where a.id=b.bjb_id and b.id=c.id and c.yw+c.sx>150
5、select a.id,a.bjmc,avg(c.yw),avg(c.sx) from bjb a,xsb b,cjb c where a.id=b.bjb_id and b.id=c.id group by a.id,a.bjmc