Dash, short for dashboard, is the new Ubuntu Start menu. Clicking the Ubuntu logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen activates Dash. Instead of a simple drop-down or pop-up menu like you see in most operating systems, Ubuntu's Dash is more of an overlay. When Dash is activated, the Launcher locks into place, goes dark, and a translucent dashboard takes up much of the screen.
[dash, 面板的简称,是Ubuntu新版的启动菜单。点击屏幕左上角的Ubuntu图标激活dash。和你在大多数操作系统中见到的下拉、弹出菜单不同,Ubuntu的dash不只是一个重复。当dash被激活,启动器锁定的地方会变暗,一个半透明的面板占据屏幕了的大部分空间
Dash can be expanded to fill the entire screen by clicking the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the Dash overlay. Dash automatically opens in full view on netbook and (presumably) tablet-sized screens.
[dash可以通过点击dash overlay 右下角的箭头扩充整个屏幕。dash在上网本和平板屏幕上自动以全屏打开。]
Before we explain the components of Dash and exactly how they work, let's take a look at Dash in action.