
2020-05-08 教育 142阅读
1 Large number of domestic and foreign tourists, and increase national revenue, spur economic development industry
2 Indicate that the capacity and level of development
3 Olympic economy is not China's 1.3 billion people can be assigned to each of the money, if, if we have to simply sit in the calculation of how much cash each can be recorded, I think we still need to continue the discussion? We want to talk about the Olympic economy, refers to the construction industry, the sports industry, the information industry, environmental protection industry, the cultural industry, the tourism industry and all of the Olympic Games related services. This inside of each industry, have filled with unlimited business opportunities, a development perspective, and not simply how many billion of funds can be used to measure the readjustment of the industrial structure in place, the economy should be a virtuous circle of the national economy as a whole will contribute to the further takeoff . Therefore, the development of the Olympic economy as a catalyst for the national economy is not too much
4 As we all know, South Korea held a successful Olympic Games, the country's political landscape and economic environment has been good improvement Since then embarked on a rapid and healthy development of the road from the Olympic Games starting in the role? Of course, can not be used to quantify how many billion dollars. Nevertheless, we should not forget, is to destroy the agent can reverse the "catalyst", warning of the former Soviet Union, due to the Olympic Games and the less successful "catalyst" this monster to death heading for a split? Therefore we can say that the rise and fall of a country from hosting the games is not to decide, but the success of the Olympic Games will be held this country to the timely help or icing on the cake, the Olympics will be held unsuccessful play for the country or drastic negative effect Baoxinjiuhuo
5 Beijing Olympic Games on our Government and the people is a goad and test, the report because he participated in the Olympic Games and the Chinese people is incomplete, and the majority are foreigners, of course, many of them are friends, but also because of differences in the humanities and have different views of friends, but certainly there are fault-finding in the unfriendly people. These people not in the party's culture grew up under, and their views will be reported is a new, and some we can not think of the views of all fantasies, this is not a good thing? In any event, the Olympic Games will be on China's political, economic, cultural, and other aspects of the quality of the people to conduct a serious review. She no roots than any random accusations without According to the specific, more than any feebly to the reality of making irresponsible remarks
6 This is the intangible capital: now, because the reasons for the Olympic Games, you do not need to do any publicity, the world's attention is focused on China (in the eyes of most foreigners, Beijing = China), they will not care whether you willing to take the initiative to the attention your every move, this is the effect of money can not buy
7 Raise the country's profile and let the world know China
8 China's sports system embodies the advantages of the country, to be held in the local history of the Olympic Games for the best results
9 By the Olympic opportunity to promote Chinese culture and enhance national cohesion
10 Pull up the economic growth