
2020-09-15 教育 74阅读
史密斯:Sorry to interrupt you.but aren't you Mr.Wu from China?
吴先生:Oh.yes.I am.
史密斯:How do you do.Mr.Wu?I'm John Smith from DJ Company.And I'm here to meet you.
吴先生:How do you do.Mr.Smith?Thank you very much for meeting us here.
史密斯:You are welcome.You must be exhausted after a long journey.
吴先生:Oh,no.It was a pleasant trip and everything went smoothly,so we don't feel tired at all.
史密斯:I`ll be your guide during your stay in China.
史密斯:Will you please take your baggage and follow me?The taxi's waiting outside.
吴先生:Fine,let's hurry.
B:Yes,that's right.You must be Ms.Lee.
A:Yes,pleased to meet you.
B:Pleased to meet you,too.
A:Is this your first visit to Guangzhou?
B:Yes,I always wanted to come but I never had the chance.
A:Good,I can show you around while you're here.
Did you have an enjoyable flight?
B:Yes,it was fine,thanks.No delays or problems.
A:Good.Here,let me take your case.The car's just outside.Did you eat anything on the plane?
B:No,I wasn't hungry.
A:Well,what would you like to do?Shall we go to the restaurant or the hotel first?
B:To the restaurant,I think.
A:What sort of food do you like?We've got a good choice of restaurants here.
B:I'd like to try some Guangzhou local snacks.
A:Good,that's settled then.Let's go now.
A:Hello,are you Mr.Peter Chen?
B:Yes,I am.Do I know you?
A:Hi,Peter.My name is Michael,I am the assitant of Mr.Jiang who has been doing led business with you.Nice to mee you.
B:Oh,hi,Mike.Nice to meet you.How do you know it is me?
A:Well,I have seen your photo before.You look more handsome.
B:That is very sweet.Thanks
A:So how is your trip?I guess you had a trip over 6 hours.
B:Yeah,it is good,but kind of tired now.Luckiy we arrived safely.
A:Ok,we have booked a hotel for you in Tiantian spaceworld hotel.Priviate car is waiting outside the airport.Shall we go now?
B:That is very nice.We can go now.
A:Let me help you carry these stuff,I know you are very tired.
B:Thanks very much.I appreciate it a lot.
A:You are welcome.This way please.
Excuse me!Are you Mr.Johnson?打扰了,您是Johnson先生吗?
Yes,that's right.是的,我是.
No,you got the wrong person.不,您认错人了.
How do you do,Mr.Johnson!I am Tom,the salesman of the ABC company.
How do you do,Tom!Glad to meet you.Tom.很高兴认识您.
I came to pick you up to your hotel.我是来接你去饭店的.
Thank you.You are very nice.你真好.
How was your trip?您旅途还好吗?
Very good.Thank you.很好,
Not very good.I was got air.不是很好,我晕机.
Do you feel better now?您现在好点了吗?
Yes,but I feel very tired.Because it's a very long trip.是的,但是我感觉很累,因为飞行时间很长.
Let's go and check in the hotel.让我们去饭店登记吧!
Let me help you with your luggage.让我帮您拿行李.
Please wait for me here.I am going to the parting lot to drive my car.请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车.