阿拉巴马州: Indian Springs School
亚利桑那州: Phoenix Country Day School
阿拉斯加州: Pulaski Academy
加州: Stanford Online High School
科罗拉多: Kent Denver School
康涅狄格州: Choate Rosemary Hall
特拉华州: St. Andrew's School
佛罗里达州: Ransom Everglades School
佐治亚州: The Westminster Schools
夏威夷: Punahou School
爱达荷州: Riverstone International School
伊利诺伊州:The Latin School of Chicago
印第安纳州: Culver Academies
艾奥瓦州: Rivermont Collegiate
堪萨斯州: Bishop Seabury Academy
肯塔基州: Kentucky Country Day School
路易斯安那: Episcopal School of Acadiana
缅因州: Waynflete School
马里兰州: Holton-Arms School
马萨诸塞州: Phillips Academy
密歇根州: Cranbrook Schools
明尼苏达州:The Blake School
密西西比: St. Andrew's Episcopal School
密苏里: Thomas Jefferson School
蒙大拿州: Summit Preparatory School
内布拉斯加州: Mount Michael Benedictine High School
内华达州: The Meadows School
新罕布什尔: Phillips Exeter Academy
新泽西: The Lawrenceville School
新墨西哥: Albuquerque Academy
纽约: Collegiate School
北卡罗来纳: Cary Academy
俄亥俄州: Laurel School
俄勒冈: Oregon Episcopal School
宾夕法尼亚州: The Baldwin School
田纳西州: McCallie School
德克萨斯州: St. Mark's School of Texas
弗吉尼亚州: The Potomac School
华盛顿: Lakeside School