英文:miss 中文是什么意思?(谢谢)

2020-05-22 教育 186阅读
简单含义:vt. 漏掉;错过;想念 lose, let slip
1. 未击中;未抓住:The batter missed the ball.击球员未击中球。The goalkeeper just missed the ball.守门员差一点扑住球。
2. 没找到,没遇到:He missed her in the crowd.他没有在人群中看到她。She went to the station to meet her husband, but missed.她到车站接丈夫,可是人群中没有见到他。
3. 未达到(某处);未接触到:She missed the deck and landed in the water.她未能跳到甲板上,而掉入水中。
4. 未听到;未看到;未注意到;未体验:We missed the start of the movie.我们没看到电影的开头部分。I missed what you said.我没听到你说的话。
5. 未赶上:to miss a flight没赶上班机
6. 未领会,未理解:You've completely missed the point of his argument.你完全没有领会他的论点。She had missed his point entirely.她完全没有领会他的意思。
7. 失约;缺勤;缺课;未出席:She's missed school two days this week.本周她缺课两天。
8. 未得到;未获得:to miss a gold medal未得金牌
9. 错过,失却:I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。
10. 发现遗失,发觉某人不在身边:When did you first miss your purse?你是何时开始发现丢了钱包的?
11. 惦念,因没有…而感到遗憾:Her children have gone to America, and she missed them very much.孩子们去了美国,她非常惦记他们。
12. 逃脱,幸免于:The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.疾驰的汽车差点撞上那个行人。The two planes missed disaster by a matter of inches when they nearly collided.两架飞机在几乎要相撞时,以毫厘之差擦身而过,险些酿成一场灾难。
13. 未做到:The arrow missed the target.箭未能射中靶子。
14. 略去,省掉,漏掉:You've missed two words.你漏掉了两个词。
15. [一般用进行时态]缺少:Her shoes are missing shoelaces.她的鞋子缺少鞋带。
vi.1. 打偏;打不中;未接触到:The bullet missed.子弹打偏了。barely miss being hit差一点被击中2. 未达到目的,失败:a joke that somewhat missed the mark没有使人发笑的笑话3. (内燃机)不发火,缺火:The machine missed.机器发动不起来。4. 【病理学】妇女停经,绝经5. [古语]未获得;未找到;未达到(of)
n.1. 失误,击不中2. 失败3. [方言]缺少;失去;因缺少而产生的遗憾(或不便)4. 幸免,逃脱5. (内燃机)不发火;缺火6. [口语]小产,流产7. 不受欢迎的唱片8. 【台球】不击中目标球
miss2 [mis] n.1. [M-](用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐2. [M-](出于职业、社交等原因用在已婚妇女的名字之前)小姐3. [M-](用在地名、运动项目或职业等之前表示被称呼者是具有现代性或杰出的少女)小姐,皇后4. 少女,姑娘,女孩子5. [复数](女装的)普通尺寸6. [戏谑语、贬义]冒失女孩;小姑娘;女学生7. [古语]娼妓;情妇vt.称呼…为小姐变形:n.misses
missabbr.1. mission2. missionary