
2020-08-29 教育 101阅读
1 寻求城市外的交集点,看得见的是窗外和谐的人居
Look for communitites out of the city which you can see the harmonic neighborhood through the window.
2 穿过城市的边缘,看见的是窗外穿插的节奏。这种穿插的乐趣让你的旅行充满这城市的诱惑
Traverse the edge of the city, you will see the reticulate cadence through the window. This reticulate pleasure makes the city so attractive for your trip.
3 穿越空间的对话。有的时候你也可能成为别人的风景。
Talk over the space. Sometimes you can also be the scenery of others.
4 当窗外不再是先前的风景,看得见的依然是和谐的色彩。
When the scenery is changed, you can still see the harmonic colors through the original window.