求英语报纸答案 高三版 总3270期 第四十二期

2020-06-10 教育 33阅读
1-5 CCAAB 6-10 ACBAC
11-15 CABAB 16-20 ACBCC
21-25 DABAC 26-30 CACDC
31-35 BDACD 36-40 CGDFE
41-45 DCABB 46-50 ACCAD
51-55 BBDAC 56-60 CBDCA
61. for 62. would get
63. are considered 64. out
65. It 66. to play
67. exciting 68. shooting
69. If 70. a
71. ... working as a ... working → work
72. ... asks for some ... asks → asked
73. It was difficulty ...
difficulty → difficult
74. ... make myself understand ...
understand → understood
75. ... wanted buy her ... buy前加to
76. ... with a special ... 去掉with
77. Here were some ... Here → There
78. ... I put them ... them → it
79. An old lady ... An → The
80. Such was I. Such → So
One possible version:
From the picture we can see a group of young people are having a gathering. However, everyone is focusing on his or her mobile phone or iPad.
What a familiar scene it is to us all! Almost every one of us has had the experience of being ignored by a friend or relative who is addicted to his / her mobile phone. The message conveyed by the picture is clear: the mobile phone has been controlling us and widening the distance between people.
In my opinion, any electronic product, however advanced it is, cannot take the place of face-to-face communication between people. More importantly, we should never become a slave of a mobile phone. On the contrary, we must be its master and make proper use of it.
21. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Honestly, many times I think I wanted to drop out of school and just do my job because I needed the money可知,作者上大学期间想中途退学,因为他想赚更多的钱,故选D项。
22. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Hanging out with friends may have been wonderful ... I was back on the see-saw of balancing work and school可知,跟朋友们一起外出闲逛,作者既没有赚到钱也没有学到知识,对他来讲,这简直是在浪费时间,故选A项。
23. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Scheduling and planning became ... were important to my college experience可知,作者通过计划自己的时间并且严格执行自己的计划,成功地平衡了自己的工作和学习时间,故选B项。
本文是应用文。文章列举了五位读者对作家Jessica Day George的新作Thursdays with the Crown的评论。
24. A。细节理解题。根据Harriet的评论Honestly, “Thursdays with the Crown” didn't interest me at all ... I was bored and decided not to finish it可知,Harriet对这本书并不感兴趣,等到他读完第二章时,他便不想再读了,故选A项。
25. C。细节理解题。根据Nancy的评论this series specifically has worn out her tales of mysterious creatures可知选C项。
26. C。推理判断题。根据Emily的评论“Thursdays with the Crown” is a great adventure以及You should read it可知选C项。
27. A。细节理解题。根据Clark的评论book 3 seems to lack originality可知选A项。
28. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The color was dark and the skin looked rough可知选C项。
29. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The one characteristic of it that I'll always remember was that eye near the top of its head looking at us和第四段中的He had looked at one of the creature's eyes, and described it as “small, gray and baleful.”可知,Ayton和McDonald对尼斯湖水怪的眼睛印象深刻。
30. C。细节理解题。根据Ayton和McDonald的描述以及最后一段中的there have been something like 3,000 reported sightings — from shore and from boats, in every daylight hour, some vague and some powerfully detailed — by every imaginable sort of person可知,尼斯湖水怪的大部分信息都来自于个人的描述。
31. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的However, there isn't an ancient bone, a bit of tissue, or any other powerful evidence of the monster's presence in the lake可知,到目前为止都没有任何有力的证据证明尼斯湖水怪的存在,故选B项。
32. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中警察的回答I said mist or fog以及My friend thought he had come across someone who liked personifying aspects of the weather. But it was just another case of international miscommunication可知,这位美国朋友是误解了那位警察的话,故选D项。
33. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的Most people know that the word “scary,” as opposed to “frightening” or “alarming,” sounds childish to British ears可知,相比frightening 或 alarming,英国人认为说scary一词很幼稚,故选A项。
34. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The habit of using the word “like” every four seconds, widespread among American youth, has now become popular among British youth as well可知选C项。
35. D。词义猜测题。根据该词前面的There used to be signs on garbage cans可推知,垃圾桶上的标识应该是,“垃圾入箱”,故选D项。
36. C。根据该空后转折可知,该空处应与hope相对应,C项中的unnecessarily complicated and painful符合该语境。
37. G。G项中的ignoring与该空前的forget about语意相符。
38. D。该空所在段讲述要采取行动,D项中的solution符合该段语境。
39. F。F项中的insignificant issues与该空下一句中的small things相对应。
40. E。该空前一句否定了全盘接受我们的思想这个行为,那么正确的做法就是要自我决定自己的思想,E项符合该语境。
41. D。根据第一句可知,老鹰的窝在峭壁上,所以这个农民要“爬上(climbed up)”峭壁。
42. C。根据下一句可知,这个农民 “取走(took)”一个鹰蛋。
43. A。根据该空前一句中的egg可知此处答案。
44. B。“除了(except)”那个鹰蛋孵出雏鹰外,其余的鸡蛋都孵出来小鸡了。
45. B。联系下一段的第一句可知,此处指几个月过去了,雏鹰已经 “长大了(mature)”。
46. A。47. C。这个博物学家在农民的院子里“看到(saw)”了老鹰后,“几乎不(hardly)”敢相信自己的眼睛。
48. C。联系语境可知,博物学家是问那个农民从哪里 “得到(get)”那只老鹰的。
49. A。联系下文可知,博物学家的一次次行动都是为了“证明(prove)”那是一只老鹰。
50. D。根据下一句中的The eagle 51
his arm可知此处用arm。
51. B。根据本句中的后半部分可知,老鹰从博物学家的胳膊上“跳了下去(jumped from)”。
52. B。此处指那个农民再次强调:“我告诉你它‘只是(only)’一只鸡。”
53. D。根据下一句可知,博物学家问那个农民“要了(asked for)”一个梯子。
54. A。联系下文博物学家对老鹰说的话可知,他将老鹰“放在(placed)”胳膊上让它飞翔。上文的put it on ... 也是提示。
55. C。根据上一段中的began to scratch in the dirt可知,此处用scratching。
56. C。根据下一句可知,博物学家 “带上了(picked up)”那只老鹰。
57. B。根据下一句中的The fresh, cool winds swept up to the cliff 可知,博物学家带老鹰去了“峭壁(cliff)”上。
58. D。根据下一句老鹰飞了起来可知,此处指老鹰从博物学家的胳膊上 “飞起来(lifted off)”。
59. C。60. A。老鹰在天空翱翔,自然会比它的小鸡同伴看到“更多(more)”东西,也就不再“满足(content)”于像鸡一样生活。
61. for。考查介词。由our math test可知,在此填for表示学习的目的。
62. would get。考查时态。由语境及didn't think可知此处用过去将来时,故填would get。
63. are considered。考查语态。由语境可知,此处指的是说话人目前的观点,用一般现在时,又因主语things与consider之间是被动关系,故填are considered。
64. out。考查副词。work out在此意为“进行锻炼”。
65. It。考查it的用法。to move around to music是真正的主语,故用It作形式主语。
66. to play。考查非谓语动词。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为“宁愿做某事,而不愿做某事”。
67. exciting。考查形容词。设空处所在句的主语是dancing,故填exciting。
68. shooting。考查非谓语动词。practice后跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填shooting。
69. If。考查连词。由语境可知,you teach me some of your basketball skills是I'll teach you some dance moves的条件,故填If。
70. a。考查冠词。It's a deal意为“一言为定”。

I. 1-5 CDBBA
II. 1-5 CBABD 6-10 CDCAB
11-15 BCDAB 16-20 BCDAC
1. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a first-of-its-kind player-powered community football field和第二段中的The football ground ... of the players可知,这个足球场的电能是由踢球者踢球时产生的能量提供的。
2. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Shell has used ... the Morro da Mineira community和最后一段中的Having received support from Shell to develop my invention可知,这项工程建立在Laurence Kemball-Cook发明的基础之上。
3. B。篇章结构题。联系前一句的the world will be consuming seventy-five percent more energy than it does currently可知,这种额外的需求指的是对能源消耗的需求。
4. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的giving everyone in the favela, and especially young people, a safe and secure community space at night和倒数第二段中的The Morro da Mineira community ... a safe gathering place可知,这个足球场可供该社区居民夜晚踢球。
5. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的This new pitch ... come together和最后一段中的the vital role science and technology play可知,Pelé和Kemball-Cook两位都提到了科学的伟大力量。
1. C。联系下文提到的慈善机构可知,此空用charitably符合语境。
2. B。根据第一句可知,此处指你“不再(no longer)”使用的手机。
3. A。4. B。5. D。首先,你应该 “意识到(realize)”在许多地方随意“丢弃(throwing away)”手机是非法的,“因为(because)”手机电池,特别是旧手机的电池含有有毒金属。
6. C。根据该空后的垃圾桶可知,此处指:相比垃圾桶,有更好的地方“丢弃(get rid of)”手机。
7. D。根据该空后的get paid to do so可知,此空用pay。
8. C。前半句中的recycle提示此空答案。
9. A。很多慈善机构通过“收集(collecting)”旧手机赚一些钱。
10. B。此空用unwanted与上文提到的old相呼应。
11. B。根据上一段中的making a small amount of money可知,此空用make。
12. C。本段讲回收利用手机,说明对于某人来说是垃圾的东西对另一个人可能是“宝贝(treasure)”。
13. D。14. A。“如果(If)”你在你们地区找不到一个大的手机回收项目,你可以考虑“创办(starting)”一个小型的。
15. B。创办之前,先“核实(Check)”,因为有很多学校已在回收手机。
16. B。该空前后存在选择关系,故用or。
17. C。根据该空后的provided that place可知,此处用place。
18. D。联系上一句中的provided可知,此处用offer符合语意。
19. A。根据后半句“一些配件还可以再利用”可知,此处用keep。
20. C。再利用一些配件,在“经济(economic)”上很明智。