
2020-09-13 国际 260阅读
加拿大国旗称为枫叶旗,法文叫做单叶。国旗本身是由红白二色组成。中间的白色代表的是加拿大广阔无垠的国土,两侧的红色代表的是东西两岸相邻的大西洋及太平洋。中间的红色枫叶则是象征生活在加拿大富饶国土上辛勤努力的人民 。
The flag of Canada is called Maple Leaf, French is called leaf. The flag itself is made up of red and white. The
middle of the white represents the vast expanse of Canada, the red on
both sides of the East and West are adjacent to the Atlantic and the
Pacific. The middle of the red maple leaf is a symbol of living in Canada fertile land on the hard work of the people.
Maple is Canada's national tree, but also a symbol of the Canadian nation, on behalf of the Canadian people love the Maple Leaf. More
maple trees in Canada, every fall, the mountains and plains of the
maple leaves, was orange or bright red, like a pile of burning bonfire,
so Canada has "Maple Leaf of the country" reputation. The Maple Leaf on the Canadian flag represents Canadians' love for Maple Leaf. White is representative of the land, and Canada has many places are in the Arctic Circle, white on behalf of "snow."