GRE 难句 会的来。

2020-09-08 教育 81阅读
额,这个句子的确让人挠头!也难怪,如果 GRE 阅读都那么容易,大家不都考高分了吗!即便是讲英语的纯种人士也未必都能一次读懂这个句子,而且能看出其结构来!
整段是个对比句式:it was assumed that......(过去——单一性伴侣和父系家庭主导孕育了男性对家庭关照的成长)和 it now seems appropriate to consider ......(现在——对雄性灵长类动物的研究发现,期求掌握幼子命运的雄性能量在雌雄的亲密、长期关系方面并不完全主导父系家长的关系,却也有单一性伴侣现象)。
在“现在”这一句里,你可以把中间一大段省略掉,于是就变成一个很简单的句子:it now seems appropriate to consider the alternative possibility - that leads to monogamy! Either scenario could be true.
而 the alternative possibility 就是 whether the extraordinary capacity of male primates to look out for the fates of infants did not in some way pre-adapt members of this order for the sort of close, long-term relationships between males and females。
