我这么做都是为你好 英语翻译

2020-06-15 教育 518阅读
1 我这么做都是为你好 I did it all for your own good.
2 你妈妈这么做是我为了你好,不要误解她的意思,令她伤心 Your mom did it for your own good. Please don't misunderstand her and make her sad.
3 这么做对我有什么好处 / 坏处?What will I gain from this? (好处) 或 What willl I lose from this? (坏处)
4 赶紧走吧,否则参加婚礼要迟到了 Go quickly. Otherwise, you will be late for the wedding.
5 朋友明天婚礼,我要赶过去帮忙 My friend is getting married tomorrow. I need to go and help her prepare.
6 我要去火车站代售点买一张车票 I need to buy a ticket at the train station.
7 去代售点买票 比火车站 都有哪些好处?Which is better? Buying the ticket from a vendor or directly with the train station?
8 能告诉我你的工作内容吗?Could you tell me what your job duties are?