求与foot 相关的短语

2020-06-01 教育 347阅读
a foot in both camps 两边都支持, 脚踏两只船
at foot 在附近; (小牲口)紧随母畜 在书面的末尾
at the foot of在...的脚下, 在...的下部
at sb.'s feet 在某人脚下[门下, 控制下]
athlete's foot 脚气, 香港脚
be carried out (with one's) feet foremost 被抬出去埋葬
be sure of foot 踏实
beneath sb.'s foot 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配
beneath sb.'s feet 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配
under sb.'s foot 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配
under sb.'s feet 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配
betray the cloven foot 露马脚
display the cloven foot 露马脚
show the cloven foot 露马脚
Better the foot slip than the tongue. [谚]宁可失足, 不可失言。
Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. [谚]宁可失足, 不可失言。
black foot [苏]媒人, 撮合者, 谈恋爱的中间人
bring sb. to his feet 扶起某人
raise sb. to his feet 扶起某人
call to sb.'s feet 叫某人站起来(尤指请人起立演说, 唱歌或举杯祝酒等)
call to sb.'s legs 叫某人站起来(尤指请人起立演说, 唱歌或举杯祝酒等)
carry sb. off his foot (风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热
sweep sb. off his foot (风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热
take sb. off his foot (风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热
catch sb. on the wrong foot 使人措手不及
change foot 换鞋, 换步
change feet 换鞋, 换步
dead on one's foot 疲惫不堪
die on one's foot 暴死,垮台
drag one's foot 拖着脚步走;不合作;迟缓误事
drop on one's feet 运气好; 幸免于难
fall on one's feet 运气好; 幸免于难
feel one's feet (婴儿等)能站立; 开始感到有把握
feel one's legs (婴儿等)能站立; 开始感到有把握
feet of clay foot 泥足, 不堪一击
find one's feet 开始站稳; 能独立行动
get cold feet [口]临阵畏缩; 害怕起来
hove cold feet [口]临阵畏缩; 害怕起来
get off on the right foot 一开头就很[不]顺利
get off on the wrong foot 一开头就很[不]顺利
set off on the wrong foot 一开头就很[不]顺利
set off on the right foot 一开头就很[不]顺利
get on one's feet 站起来;站起来发言 (=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立 (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)
get upon one's feet 站起来;站起来发言 (=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立 (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)
get one's feet wet 开始参加, 开始做
get one' sfoot in 钻进, 打进某不开放的圈子 熟悉 开始(从事)
get one's foot on the ladder 跨出成功的第一步
have foot in both camps (在政治上)跟对立的两派同时挂钩; 脚踏两只船
have a foot in the dish 占一份; 获得立足点
have cold feet 害怕; 临阵畏缩
have leaden foot 脚步沉重, 行动迟缓
have one foot in the grave 风烛残年
with one foot in the grave 风烛残年
have one's foot into 插足
have one's foot on the neck of sb. 压服某人
put one's foot on the neck of sb. 压服某人
set one's foot on the neck of sb. 压服某人
have the foot of sb. 比某人迅速, 赶过某人
have two left feet 笨手笨脚, 很不灵活
jump to one's feet 突然站起, 跳起
spring to one's feet 突然站起, 跳起
jump in with both feet [美]踊跃参加, 全心全意投入
keep one's feet 站稳
kiss the hare's foot 迟到
knock sb. off his feet 使某人惊慌万状, 不知所措
lick sb.'s feet 巴结某人
live under the cat's foot [口]怕老婆, 惧内
measure another man's foot by one's own last 以己度人
miss one's foot 失足; 踏空
My foot! [口]怪了! 胡说! 去你的吧!
Me foot! [口]怪了! 胡说! 去你的吧!
not put a foot right 动辄得咎
not put a foot wrong 不会做错
off one's feet 躺着, 坐着; 控制不住自己
on foot步行; 在进行中; 活着的(指供屠宰的牲畜)
on one's feet 站起; 恢复健康; 经济自立
one's foot has gone to sleep 脚麻了
pull foot 逃走
put one's best foot foremost 飞速奔走; 全力以赴
put one's best foot forward 飞速奔走; 全力以赴
put one's foot down 坚定不移, 坚决果断
set one's foot down 坚定不移, 坚决果断
put one's foot in it [口]说错话, 做错事; 弄糟
put one's foot into it [口]说错话, 做错事; 弄糟
rise to one's foot (挣扎着)站起来
spring to one's foot (挣扎着)站起来
struggle to one's foot (挣扎着)站起来
run a good foot (马)跑得快
rush sb. off his feet 使某人措手不及; 使某人精疲力尽
set foot in 进入
set foot on 踏上
set on foot 着手
set sb. on his feet 使某人[物]独立生存[存在]下去
set sth. on its feet 使某人[物]独立生存[存在]下去
show the cloven foot 现原形, 露马脚
sling a nasty foot [俚]跳舞跳得到家了
take one's foot in one's hand [谑]拔脚就走;出发;旅行
take one's feet in one's hands [谑]拔脚就走;出发;旅行
take to one's feet 走出,步行
think on one's feet 头脑反应很快, 立刻作出回答
trample under foot 践踏, 蹂躏, 虐待
tread under foot 践踏, 蹂躏, 虐待
under sb.'s foot 屈服于人; 阻碍某人前进
under sb.'s feet 屈服于人; 阻碍某人前进
with both feet 强烈地, 坚决地
with one's wrong foot foremost 心绪不佳
foot by foot 一步一步地; 逐渐
foot it [口]走着去, 跳舞
foot to foot 短兵相接
foot up [口]把...加在一起, 结算
foot up to 加起来共..., 共计...