球COCO-parov stelar完整歌词 最好有英文有中文翻译的 没有中文翻译的话 就英文也可以

2022-08-05 教育 63阅读

COCO-parov stelar

Walking through dark streets,走在昏暗的大街上

the cold is looking for some way to stroke my skin.严寒似乎想方设法地摧残着我

My body is shaking, my knees are weak,双膝无力支撑颤抖的躯体

intense emotions overflowing me…剧烈的情感似乎要爆发,突破我的身体

I try to find myself, I try to move on,我试图重新寻求自我,我需要继续前进

dont know where I am, please carry me home…却不知自己身处何处,求你带我回家吧

I try to find myself,

I try to move on, dont know where I am,

please carry me home…我试图重新寻求自我,我需要继续前进,却不知自己身处何处,求你带我回家吧

But I tell you whats inside of me will never die,will never die…但是我告诉你,我内心的灵魂不会消亡,永远不会

I try to find myself, I try to move on,

dont know where I am, please carry me home…