
2022-08-21 教育 73阅读

Happy valentine's day



If there are only ten minutes left in the world, I will recall the wind and rain with you. If there are only three minutes left in the world, I will kiss you. If there is only one minute left in the world, I will say I love you again!


When in a good mood, write down happiness, when friendship is deep, remember moving, when attachment is firm, remember caring, when love is warm, remember warmth, and wish you a happy diary day.


Fold a paper boat and carry my deepest thoughts and wishes. With the pouring moonlight, it will come near your window sill and stop by your pillow … May you be happy and lonely, I don't care, I will be satisfied with your happiness and happy Valentine's Day!


Valentine's Day is a short day. One hand pulls one loose and one lover is gone. If you don't loosen your hand, your lover will become your wife. What is the most painful thing on valentine's day, do you know? All lovers are looking for you for Valentine's Day.


That we wished to fly in heaven, two birds with the wings of one, and to grow together on the earth, two branches of one tree.; The faint lovesickness overflows the heart edge, the deep love meaning is gripping. Baby, may I give you a happy life! Happy valentine's day!
