
2020-06-06 教育 314阅读

练习本的英语:exercise book。


several dozen exercise-books 几打练习本

write to your exercise book 写到你的练习本上

practice lab workbook 实战练习本

exercise book paper 练习本用纸

one exercise book 一本练习本


用exercise book造句:

1、Her exercise-book is stained with ink marks.她的练习本上沾了墨迹。

2、I need it for pressing my exercise book.我拿它来把我的练习本压压平。

3、Write down what Bob did yesterday in your exercise book.在练习本上写下鲍勃昨天所做的事情。

4、Write that in your exercise-books, please.请把那写在你们的练习本上。

5、The students started to write in their exercise books, and for a short time nobody spoke.学生们开始写在练习本,很短的一段时间没有人答话。
