听到一首英文歌,女生唱的,有一句重复的歌词好像是 I wanna lose my love for

2020-09-23 教育 200阅读

losing the love-Joy Enriquez
sung by: oy Enriquez
歌词编写:立儿 (Kiki)

There are days when I regret it 总是悔恨那些日子
The things I said to you 对你说的那些言语
I put my trust in no one 不愿相信别人的我
It broke my heart and I blamed it on you 把那份痛心的爱归咎于你过错
You were kind and oh so gentle 你曾是那样善良和温柔
But I refused to see 可我却拒绝望见
That someone like you existed 你曾是如此深爱着我
I was somewhere in denial 可我却试图否认
While you were loving me 你曾经深爱着我
I cried myself to sleep last night 昨晚我哭泣着入眠
When I woke up 当我醒来
There were tears stains on my pillow 泪水沾湿了我的枕头
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up 牺牲了那份爱是如此伤痛
Without you in my life 生命中没有了你
I will always feel lonely 总是感觉很孤独
Losing the love 失去爱情
From someone like you 从你那里
Not a day goes by without something 每天总会不自觉地
Reminding me of you 想起你
The truth is that I miss you 唯一的事实就是我想念你
It gets so hard not being with you 没有你的日子是那么艰难
There are times when I go crazy 好几次我都几欲疯狂
In the twilight of the night 当黎明悄悄把黑夜照亮
How I long to be your woman again 我渴望再度靠在你的胸膛
There's pain that I hold 可是身上的伤
That will not let me go 提醒我那只是美丽的幻想
I cried myself to sleep last night 昨晚我哭泣着入眠
When I woke up 当我醒来
There were tears stains on my pillow 泪水沾湿了我的枕头
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up 牺牲了那份爱是如此伤痛
Without you in my life 生命中没有了你
I will always feel lonely 我总是感觉很孤独
Losing the love 失去爱情
From someone like you 从你那里
I don't wanna make this too hard 我不想让这一切变得难堪
But I just wanna be where you are 但我只想待在你身边
In your life,by your side,forever 一起生活,在你身边,直到永远……
I cried myself to sleep last night 昨晚我哭泣着入眠
When I woke up 当我醒来
There were tears stains on my pillow 泪水沾湿了我的枕头
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up 牺牲了那份爱是如此伤痛
Without you in my life 生命中没有了你
I will always feel lonely 我总是感觉很孤独
Losing the love 失去爱情
From someone like you 从你那里
From someone like you 从你那里


Joy Enriquez是墨西哥混血美人歌手。Joy Enriquez(乔依安立奎)有着颇负盛名的姓氏,但是她跟拉丁情人Enrique Iglesias(安立奎)可是一点关系都没有,只是同样具有拉丁血统的歌手。身为Arista总裁瑞德(L.A. Reid)力捧的年度重点新人,Joy的歌唱实力和歌坛际遇令人注目。

参考资料:百度百科-Joy Enriquez
