
2020-04-24 教育 571阅读
  英语口语:“天上不会掉馅饼”“天下没有免费午餐”中文里,“天上不会掉馅饼”和“天下没有免费午餐”,“空手套白狼”意思基本一样的,都是“不劳而获”的意思。英语就叫做:There is no such thing as something for nothing。
  You always pay a price。For nothing means for free, free of charge, you don't have to pay。都是“免费”的意思。Something for nothing也叫freebies。
  Freebies,免费的赠品。1。 Some people are trying to get rich quick。They want to take short cuts。有人想一夜暴富。想走捷径。To get rich quick = To take short cuts。
  2。 Some try to make something for nothing。有人想不劳而获。3。 As everyone knows, there's no such thing as something for nothing。 You always pay a price。
  知道吗?天上不会掉馅饼,世上也没有免费午餐。4。 When you get something for nothing,you just haven't been billed for it yet。如果你“空手套套了白狼”,那只是因为你的账单还没有到的缘故。