
2022-08-08 教育 87阅读
...displays, the tendency ...标点符号后空1格,中国学生的通病,改卷老师饭碗里面的苍蝇,最起码0.5分的单项成绩没了!
tendency(倾向,主观) ... upward 不好。用trend、general direction(勉强的用法)
...of these two... 矛盾
country A was always larger。。。时态用法适当,优选过去完成时,had been higher

From then on, the area of 。。。areas成问题

countries have been declining since the 21st century,世纪都是专有的吧?应该特指

Overall,with??? overall 是形容词吧,可以做副词使用吗?

It's hard to miss the sharp picture that the two intersecting points spanning 15 years(不需要写出来,你知道的) were roughly at the same height, or 160-170 hectares. There might be something underlying for the seemingly coincidence.

Due to apparent errors and lack of complexity, this will likely earn you a 6 on the band.

Good luck and may God bless you.