
2020-07-12 教育 229阅读
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess
**** SWAG Stuff We All Get
*** SWAG Sourceware Archive Group (Pascal program sources)
*** SWAG Semantic Web Agreement Group
*** SWAG Special Warfare Group (Philippine Navy)
*** SWAG Silly Wild Ass(ed) Guess
*** SWAG Stolen Without A Gun
*** SWAG Studies in Women and Gender
*** SWAG Software and Giveaways
*** SWAG Southern Women Aging Gracefully (book by Melinda Rainey Thompson book)
*** SWAG Souvenirs, Wearables And Gifts
*** SWAG Super Wild Ass Guess
*** SWAG Stupid Wild-Ass Guess
*** SWAG Sealed with A Gift
*** SWAG Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess
** SWAG Something We Asians Got
** SWAG Stolen While At Gig
** SWAG International and National Snow, Weather and Avalanche Observation and Recording Guidelines
** SWAG Some Wild-Ass Guess
** SWAG Standard Written Agreement
** SWAG Still Wondering and Guessing
** SWAG Sold Without A Guarantee
** SWAG Shock Wave Generator
** SWAG Something We Africans Got
** SWAG Southern Whippets and Gazehounds
** SWAG Simulated Waste Access to Ground Water
** SWAG Swinging Wild Ass Guess
** SWAG Stuff We Acquired Gratis
* SWAG Smart Wild Ass Guess
* SWAG Sour Water And Gas
* SWAG Southwest Ag, Inc (Bayfield, CO)
* SWAG Senior Women Are Great (student group; various locations)
* SWAG Stuff We Are Given
* SWAG Strong Wise Accomplished Gentlemen
* SWAG Semi Wild Ass Guess
* SWAG Sexy with A Bit of Gangster
* SWAG She Wants a Gentleman
* SWAG Saved with Amazing Grace
* SWAG Secretly We Are Gay
* SWAG Sleeping with a Girl (Dominance song)
* SWAG Silver, Wine, Art & Gold
* SWAG Spiritual Wisdom and Godliness
* SWAG Something We All Got
* SWAG Something We Americans Got
* SWAG Something We Artists Got
* SWAG Someone Who Admires God
* SWAG Something We Athletes Got
* SWAG Still without a Girl
* SWAG Super Wealthy and Gangsta Boyz (band; Chicago, IL)