
2020-10-16 教育 156阅读
He was 13 two years ago. 两年前他13岁
They were at home last weekend. 上周末他们呆在家
She was at her grandpa's yesterady. 昨天她在爷爷家
I was very thin three years ago, but now I am fat. 三年前我很瘦,但现在很胖
We were very good friends last year. 我们去年还是是很好的朋友(隐含意思就是现在不是朋友了)
She was ten when I first met her six years ago. 六年前我第一次遇到她的时候她才十岁
They were talking about the football match when I saw them yesterday. 我昨天看见他们的时候,他们正在讨论足球赛
Tom was in his room just now. 刚才Tom在他的房间里。
Mary was his girlfriend two years ago. 两年前Mary是他的女朋友
She was too young to do the job three years ago. 三年前的她还太年轻,不能做这项工作。
She said that Jane was with her two hours ago. 她说两小时前Jane和她呆在一起。