
2020-08-29 教育 88阅读
1 if only recreation, I am too old, if for nothin g, is too young. This world can give me wha t? 2 I stick to the old haunt, any time around I 3 you just like you understand God, unlike me 4 we act more ferocious than the plague . Poison, they slowly dying, but I have to recei ve the praise and flattery. 5 good even in the pursuit of the lost they will eventually realiz e that there is a way I was 6 that always wa nts to do evil, but the line that the power of good part 7 I suddenly trembling, tears stre aming non-stop, Still have, as if from eyes far away , and full of warmth; , lost, and become true to life likeness. 8 I so metimes the sky the haze, sometimes sunn y, but never lose hope my life sometimes aw ake, sometimes confused, but never to lose 9 theory is grey, but the tree of life evergree n. 10 with the failure of love with the fires of hell I would like to find a more virulent abus e language 11 I only lived a travel rush, all t he cheerful grip in hand, heart unhappy just get rid of it, since I sneak away to let it slip I seek only, realize, in the pursuit of my life with, with Go. Pentium gallop, initially greedy big and fling caution to the winds, but are now acting wis e and hesitate. I already see through the wo rld, on the far side of the former East expect ation. A fool look to the other shore flicker, i magine a similar living in heaven; for those who stand to look around the world for him, a silent! He must go to the eternal stroll! Aw are of the straight catch. He just take hold o f the life time, as we shape the monster, per sist in one's old ways. Forward will have joy of joys and sorrows, he served time not mee t. 12 I have received for curiosity, hencefort h will not reject any pain 13 you and overloo king the boundless horizon, see a world of n ations and the glory of them 14 does not let me know her grow with each passing day p ain, let her helpless struggle in the destructi on of the road. 15 people too easily slack in work, will soon fall in love with absolute idle ; therefore I will make a devil, let him stimul ation, and company. -- and you really a chil d of God ah, enjoy the vivid and rich in beaut y! The eternal nature life and growth in natu re, it may protect you, with tender love. All th e world beautiful Piao Miao Miao, turbulenc e wandering, insist to think, they set in the h eart. 16 even if you want to sell one's soul, a lso want to find a person to pay the price!!!! 17 now I can shout: stop! Wonderful time! I will leave an imprint in the world day, Ren m illion generation time flies can not erase me in such a feeling of joy, this is the highest in stantaneous time in my life. 18 when it comes to the past, but stupid a! The past is the past, disappears into nothin gness, everything from scratch! Life and bu stle Yi? It must end with closed! 'die!' This ri ddle can do? Is everything seemed never st arted, if back to live one day, I would choose the eternal void." 19 only a day to pursue fre edom and life, only with freedom and life! 20 appearance but Yao was really can not die, t he bes! 21 the skylight incentive angel, myst erious indescribable; the nature of power, lik e opening day brilliant! 22 beautiful, please stop! 23 listen, spoken here is not what plea sure, but indulge in the most painful experie nce. And by love to hate, the tired to active. My chest to the thirst for knowledge has dis appeared, never on any pain closed. All the human beings destined to bear, I wanted to experience the feeling in the depths of the s oul, to seize the high, deep in my mind. And all mankind accumulated in my heart, my se lf expansion as the human self, even if finall y also fail, fall. 24 really want to let the devil take me away, if I is not the devil head! 25 o nce the trial, all privacy will be exposed, all t he sins of row will be punished severely. In 26 the world's killjoy things, is the devil and disheartened. 27 If the water is not from the heart come, will not make people feel sweet cool. 28 the miracle is the son of faith