拓扑验证过程中,所能产生的最大拓扑错误数不能超过50000个。如果一次拓扑错误验证过程产生的拓扑错误”>50000″,会导致Error ID:220或者221的错误。
使用repair geometry工具将图层进行修复就可以了。
ArcTool中有个check geometry工具,可以检查可能存在的错误。如果检查出错误就可以使用repair geometry工具将其自动修复。
Null geometry—The feature will be deleted from the feature class.
Short segment—The geometry’s short segment will be deleted.
Incorrect ring ordering—The geometry will be updated to have correct ring ordering.
Incorrect segment orientation—The geometry will be updated to have correct segment orientation.
Self intersections—The geometry’s segments that intersect will be split at their intersection.
Unclosed rings—The unclosed rings will be closed.
Empty parts—The parts that are null or empty will be deleted.