
2020-10-25 教育 94阅读
【摘 要】近年来,随着我国汽车保有量的逐渐上升,汽车保险在我国汽车业务中具有非常大的作用。车险经营环节中,人们越来越关注车险的理赔,因此,理赔服务质量对保险公司的经营和发展有着非常大的影响。论文就我国汽车保险理赔过程中出现的问题和解决对策进行研究,仅供参考。
【Abstract】In recent years,with the gradual increase of the number of car ownership in China,the car insurance plays an important role in our country's automotive business. In car insurance business links, people have paid more attention to insurance claims,so claims service quality has a great impact on the operation and development of insurance companies. This paper studies the problems and solutions in the process of China's car insurance claims, and which is for reference only.
【Keywords】 car insurance; settlement of claim; solution
【中图分类号】F27 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2017)03-0183-02
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