
2020-10-28 教育 140阅读

( ) 1 A. right B. run C. read

( ) 2 A. skating B. swimming C. skiing

( ) 3 A. lesson B. learn C. lantern

( ) 4 A. chicken B. kitchen C. change

( ) 5 A. mouse B. house C. horse

( ) 6 A. let B. look C. lot

( ) 7 A. telephone B. elephant C. ruler

( ) 8 A. follow B. window C. yellow

( ) 9 A. any B. some C. every

( ) 10 A. you B. your C. go

( ) 1 A. It’s four o’clock. B. It’s four yuan. C. There are four.

( ) 2 A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 3 A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there aren’t.

( ) 4 A. I like running. B. I can run. C. I can’t run.

( ) 5 A. Sorry. B. Thank you. C. OK.



1. plate table ( ) 2. these bed ( )

3. after hat ( ) 4. class dance( )

5. some sofa ( ) 6. now house( )

1. 在学校 2. 一些花

3. 住在 4. 唱歌

5. 买东西 6. each other

7. a large sitting-room 8. listen to

9. ride a bike 10. pumpkin lanterns

( ) 1. It is first day of the new term.
A. a B. an C. the

( ) 2. There a lot of trees in the garden.
A. are B. is C. has

( ) 3. How many TV are there in the building?
A. room B. a room C. rooms

( ) 4. a toilet in the building?
A. Are there B. Is there C. There is

( ) 5. The students are having their lesson.
A. english B. Music C. music

( ) 6. There is a football the bed.
A. under B. at C. in

( ) 7. I like , tigers and monkeys.
A. cat B. horse C. horses

( ) 8. Now boys and girls, follow , please.
A. I B. me C. she

( ) 9. Here a copybook for you.
A. is B. am C. are

( ) 10. Shall we go to the park? .
A. Yes, we can. B. Good idea. C. No, I like.

( ) 11. There is a map the world on the wall.
A. in B. at C. of

( ) 12. I don’t like .
A. play the guitar B. play guitar C. playing the guitar


1. can do what you

2. any are the there books on desk

3. door the behind what’s

4. pigs I much like very
1. A:I can a puppet.
B: , too.

2. A:Can you a book your head?
B: Yes, .

3. Mike: Good morning, Tom.
Tom: . What do you like for pets?
Mike: I dogs. Do you like ?
Tom: , don’t.



That is a picture of a classroom. I can see some pencil-boxes and books in the desk. I can see a ball under the chair. There are two maps on the wall. The black board(黑板) is on the front(前面的)wall. Some student’s exercise-books(练习本) are on the teacher’s desk. Two brooms(扫帚)are behind the door.

( ) 1. That’s a picture of a classroom.

( ) 2. I can see pens and books.

( ) 3. I can see a ball on the chair.

( ) 4. There are two pictures or the wall.

( ) 5. There are some student’s exercise-books on the teacher’s desk.



1. I can swim .(对画线部分提问)
2. There is a computer room in the building.(改为否定句)
3. There are some cards on the desk.(改为疑问句)
4. Here are some apples for you. (改为单数)

Yang ling’s bedroom


1. There is a piano in the music room.

2. There are some students in the computer room.

3. Mike’s football is on the desk.

4. I can see a telephone.

5. She has a new bed.

6. He can skate.

7. Can you dance? Yes, I can.

8. Do you like ducks? No, I don’t.

9. I like hens.


1. read 2. swimming 3. learn 4. chicken 5. horse
6. look 7. telephone 8. follow 9. some 10. go


1. Listen to the song, please.

2. I can play the violin.

3. My mother likes reading.

4. My father can ride a horse.

5. Is there a slide in the garden?

6. What do you like? We like singing.


1. How much is it?

2. Can you play the guitar?

3. Are there any glasses on the table?

4. What do you like?