
2020-05-08 教育 101阅读
Such as seized the flammable and explosive dangerous goods ( such as: banana water, gasoline, all types of explosive devices ), control of the tool ( such as: triangular sword, dagger, army thorn, switchblade, watermelon knife etc.), should immediately be confiscated, the carriers to be monitored and reported to the police on duty are processed quickly.
Prohibited articles range
Y flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive and other hazardous substances.
Y of firearms and ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus.
Y drugs, obscene and other prohibited items.
Y other may harm the interests of the state, public safety or affect the activities of large order items.
Processing method
The following items: y found, such as guns, ammunition, daggers and other control apparatus and flammable, explosive, toxic and other goods, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and in accordance with the regulations;
Y in illegal crime, immediately to the public security personnel on site report and take effective measures to evacuate personnel;
Y in case of the inspected refuses to accept the security check or insist on carrying prohibited items, the security staff must reject the entered the exhibition area and the required processing.
By the examination of people carrying y restricted articles, shall notify the inspected the restricted items stored in the cloakroom or disposition.