哪位善良的好心人帮我写篇英语作文~~ 根据图片寓意结合自己体会写一篇英语作文,阐述创新的意义。

2020-10-28 教育 97阅读
People always talk about the race of a rabit and a turtle. What we know is that the winner is turtle enventually since we are at our childhood. Because our parents and teachers told us that the rabit loses the game as the rabit believes him to be the winner whatever happens. Terefore, he is going to sleep during the race. After all this teaches us a lesson that we should not be arrogant and complacent, and do things in conmitment.
However, nowadays, things are changed dramatically. This time the rabit loses the race again even he is concentrated on the game from very beginning. He doesn't expect that the turtle takes a pair of skateboots to run the race. This time we learn a new lesson :only innovation and new technology win.