
2020-04-30 旅游 70阅读
斯德哥尔摩是瑞典第一大城市,面积186平方公里,人口74万。斯德哥尔摩大区除斯德哥尔摩市区外,还包括其周围四个市政区,共182万人口。斯市地处波罗的海和梅拉伦湖(瑞典第三大湖)之间,由14个大岛和一个半岛组成。市内水道纵横, 70多座桥梁把整个市区连在一起,素有“北方威尼斯”的美称。
由于在基础设施方面的良好条件和无线通讯研究领域的领先优势,斯德哥尔摩还被誉为 “欧洲IT之都”, KISTA高科技园吸引了微软、IBM、诺基亚、惠普以及爱立信等众多信息与通讯领域的高科技公司来此投资并设立研发中心。
瑞典城市数量不少,但大都市屈指可数,多数为中小城市。 城市的地理分布主要集中在南部、中部和沿海一带,北部地区城市甚少。
瑞典首都,也是全国第一大城市。该城面积211.3平方公里,其中内陆水面占12.7%,包括19个市政区的大斯德哥尔摩面积达6494平方公里,人口168.6万人(1993)。年平均气温6.6℃,夏季平均气温为16℃, 冬季平均气温为-2℃。年均降雨量540毫米。
斯德哥尔摩不仅是全国政治、文化中心,也是全国经济和交通中心。 全国各大企业和银行公司的总部有60%设在这里, 工业总产值和商品零售额均占全国20%左右,拥有钢铁、机器制造、化工、造纸、印刷、食品、制药等各类重要生产部门, 其中合金钢生产尤其出色。
该市交通发达,公路、地铁、郊区铁路纵横交错。 每个住户距公共汽车站只有40米远。地下交通网拥有3条干线,10条支线,99个车站,总长110公里, 昼夜载客量90万人次。地铁站同附近的公共汽车站相连。全市有378路、 共2000辆公共汽车,日载客60万人次。另有4条铁路干线通往马尔默、哥德堡、 韦斯特罗斯以及北部地区。斯德哥尔摩是仅次于哥德堡的第二大港,码头总长约20公里,
斯德哥尔摩是瑞典的文化中心,皇家科学院、国际和平研究所、 皇家图书馆等均享有盛誉,建有斯德哥尔摩大学及体育、商业、艺术、师范等数十所院校。 每年一度的诺贝尔奖金授奖仪式于12月10日(诺贝尔逝世纪念日)在此举行。
瑞典第一大港和第二大工业城市,哥德堡—布胡斯省省会。位于瑞典西南部, 临卡特加特海峡,与丹麦北端隔海相望。面积896平方公里,其中水面占一半。 人口43.7万人(1993)。哥德堡港终年不冻,成为瑞典对外贸易的主要港埠,年货物吞量2000多万吨,约占全国海港吞吐总量的1/4。 哥德堡港还是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的第一大海港。哥德堡港主要出口汽车、机械、化学制品、纸张、 木材及各种木制品,主要进口石油、金属矿石和水果。
哥德堡的工业生产规模仅次于斯德哥尔摩,汽车、机械、造船、化学、纺织、 食品、木材加工等工业十分发达。 闻名世界的瑞典滚珠轴承公司(SKF滚珠轴承厂)和沃尔汽车公司的总部均设在该城。
瑞典第三大城市,人口23.7万人(1993)。马尔默是瑞典南部的重要港口、海军基地和交通枢纽。马尔默位于瑞典的最南端, 隔厄勒海峡与丹麦首都哥本哈根遥遥相望,两城相距仅26公里。
一座文化古城,位于瑞典东部,濒临梅拉伦湖。人口17.8万人(1993)。交通发达,南与首都斯德哥尔摩有铁路相通,北与海港耶夫勒有铁路相连。 还有飞机场提供便利的航运。 乌普萨拉的现代工业也具有一定规模,有自行车、摩托车、机械、化学、 食品等工业。
位于该城的乌普萨拉大学是瑞典历史最悠久的大学,素有"瑞典的剑桥"、 "美苏核竞赛的见证人"等称号。
基律纳铁矿蕴藏量约18亿吨,是目前世界上最大的铁矿之一, 并且是世界上最大的地下铁矿,采矿设备十分先进。90%的矿石出口国外。
The Sweden first big city - - Stockholm Stockholm is the Sweden first big city, the area 186 square kilometers, the population 740,000.Stockholm big area besides Stockholm urban district, but also includes its periphery four municipal administration area, altogether 1,820,000 populations.The Si city is situated at Baltic Sea and Mei Lalun the lake (the Sweden third great lake) between, is composed by 14 Oshima and a peninsula.Local the canal vertically and horizontally, more than 70 bridges the entire urban district continually in the same place, is known as “north Venice” the laudatory name. The Si municipal construction in 1250, in 1436 Sweden established a capital city in this.It is Sweden's politics, the economy, the cultural center, the first big industrial city and the second big harbor, the commercial output value and the harbor volume of goods handled occupies the nation 1/5, some 60% major industry and the financial organ headquarters are located in here.In addition, Si Shi also has many important cultures and the educational institution, for example: Sweden Imperial family Academy of science, Sweden Project Academy of science, Stockholm University, imperial engineering institute, National Museum, music hall and so on. As a result of in the infrastructure aspect good condition and the wireless communication research area lead, Stockholm also by the reputation is “European IT all”, the KISTA high tech garden has attracted Microsoft, IBM, Nokia, HP as well as Ericsson and so on the multitudinous informations and the communication domain high tech company comes this to invest and to set up the research and development center. Main city Sweden city quantity many, but the metropolis is very few, most is the small and medium-sized town and cities. The city geographic distribution mainly concentrates in the south, middle and area the coast, the north area city are really few. Stockholm Sweden capital, also is the national first big city.This city area 211.3 square kilometers, in which interior water surface accounts for 12.7%, amounts to 6494 square kilometers including 19 municipal administration area Stockholm area, the population 1,686,000 people (1993).The annual mean temperature 6.6℃, summer the average temperature is 16℃, the winter average temperature is - 2℃.Average annual rainfall 540 millimeters. Stockholm is located between in the lake sea 14 islands and a peninsula, the waters broad, the bridge, the forest is vertically and horizontally green, the environment is serene and beautiful, by the reputation is north " Venice ". Not only Stockholm is national politics, the cultural center, also is the national economy and the transportation center. National each big enterprise and the bank company's headquarters have 60% to be located in here, the gross value of industrial output and the retail commodity turnover account for about national 20%, has the steel and iron, the machine building, the chemical industry, the papermaking, printing, food, the drugs manufacture and so on each kind of important production department, in which alloy steel production is especially splendid. This city transportation is developed, the road, the subway, the suburb railroad spread across. Each inhabitant is apart from the bus stop only then 40 meter far.The underground communications network has 3 skeleton lines, 10 branches, 99 stations, total length 110 kilometers, diurnal seating capacity 900,000 people.The underground station is connected with nearby bus stop.The whole city has 378 group, the altogether 2000 buses, the date carries passengers 600,000 people.And some 4 railroad skeleton line leads to Malmo, Goteborg, Westloss as well as north the area.Stockholm is only inferior to Goteborg's second big port, the quayage approximately 20 kilometers, the cargo year volume of goods handled approximately 7,000,000 tons, occupies the nation 20%. Stockholm is Sweden's cultural center, the imperial academy of science, the international peace research institute, the imperial library and so on enjoys the high reputation, constructs Stockholm University and the sports, the trade, art, the normal school and so on the dozens of colleges and universities. The annual Nobel prize award ceremony (Nobel passed away commemoration day) on December 10 in this hold. The Goteborg Sweden first big port and the second big industrial city, Goteborg - cloth Husi saves the provincial capital.Is located the Sweden north west, adds the special channel near Carter, faces each other across the sea with Denmark northmost part.The area 896 square kilometers, in which water surface occupies one half. Population 437,000 people (1993).The Goteborg port is not all year long frozen, becomes the Sweden foreign trade the main harbor terminal, the year cargo swallows the quantity more than 2000 ten thousand tons, approximately composes the national harbor turnover total quantity 1/4. On Goteborg port or Scandinavian Peninsula first big harbor.The Goteborg port mainly exports the automobile, the machinery, the chemical product, the paper, the lumber and each kind of woodware, mainly imports the petroleum, the metal ore and the fruit. Goteborg's industrial production scale is only inferior to Stockholm, industries and so on automobile, machinery, shipbuilding, chemistry, spinning and weaving, food, woodworking is extremely developed. Is well-known world Sweden Ball bearing Company (SKF ball bearing factory) and the Woll car company's headquarters is located in this city. The Goteborg western area cultural center, the famous university has the Goteborg university, the Goteborg engineering college and so on. Other cultural facilities literacy, navigation, history and so on many museums. Malmo Sweden third big city, population 237,000 people (1993).Malmo is south Sweden's important harbor, the naval base and the transportation key position.Malmo is located Sweden's most south tip of, separates the distress to force the channel and Denmark capital Copenhagen faces one another distantly, two cities are distanced the only 26 kilometers. Malmo also is one of Sweden's essential industry centers, the shipbuilding, chemistry, the cement, the elephant rubber, chemistry, textile, the system sugar industry very is developed. A Ukraine Pu sarah culture old city, is located east Sweden, borders on Mei Lalun the lake.Population 178,000 people (1993).The transportation is developed, south has the railroad with capital Stockholm to be interlinked, north has the railroad with harbor Gavle to be connected. Also has the airport to provide the convenience the shipping. The Ukraine Pu sarah modern industry also has certain scale, has industries and so on bicycle, motorcycle, machinery, chemistry, food. Is located this city Ukraine Pu sarah University is the Sweden history most glorious university, is known as " Sweden's Cambridge ", “American and Soviet nucleus competition titles and so on witness ". North the Kiruna Sweden main traveling city, is located in the circle, population more than 30,000. The Kiruna iron ore reserves 1,800,000,000 tons, are approximately in the present world one of biggest iron ore, and is in the world the biggest underground iron ore, the mining equipment is extremely advanced.90% ore exportation overseas.