
2020-10-01 教育 80阅读
我检查了几遍应该没有问题 希望能帮到你。
Hello everyone, let me introduce myself to you. I'm Carl, fifteen years old with O blood type, and Virgo, I have no cleanliness. I've got a both lively and bright characteristics, optimistic and humour personalities, also self-glorification. I like reading, and my favarite writers are: Vladimir Nabokov, Chuck Palahniuk, Paul Auster, John Updike, Woody Allen, Andy Warhol and Anne Fadiman, they have greatly influenced me, I am still a MAGAHOLIC, I prefer the magzines about photography and fashion which is avant-garde and independent, but the most that I read still was 'The New Yorker' and 'Rollingstone'. As a frenzy fan of electronic music, I like all kinds of them which including dance and pop songs, and sometimes, I even want to learn the DJ and MIDI. And by the way, I'm not a big fan of heavy metal or punk.
Hope we can get to know each other in the following days and have a good time.