
2022-08-02 教育 90阅读
1)life 名词 生命


He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.他被送往医院时还活着。

Although he is old, he is still very much alive.虽然年老了,但他仍十分活跃。

The fish is still alive/living.那条鱼还活着。

Keep him alive, please.请让他活下去吧。

He is the only man alive in the accident.他是事故中唯一活着的人。

After the war,he remained alive.战后他还活着。

Those alive will gather here.活着的人将在此相聚。


a living plant——活的植物

The living will go on with the work of the dead.活着的人将继续死者的工作。

all living things——所有生物

the living——在世者,活着的人们

Latin is not a living language.拉丁语不是现代使用的语言。

He is still living at the age of 95.95岁了他还活着。


(1)(动、植物)“活的”“有生命的”“活生生的”,主要用来说鸟或其他动物,作前置定语;如:a live fish——一条活鱼;a live tiger——一只活老虎

(2)实况的、现场直播的。如:a live report——现场报道;a live show/broadcast/TV program——现场转播的表演/实况广播/现场直播的电视节目


Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.




a lively child——活泼的孩子

a lively description——生动的描述

a lively mind——活跃的头脑;a lively discussion——热烈的讨论;a way of making one's classes lively——使课堂生动的方法
He told a lively story about his life in Africa.他讲述了一个有关他的非洲生活的生动故事。

Young children are usually lively.年轻人通常很活泼。

live, alive, living
1.alive多用于人,与dead相对,指“还活着的”,着重于状态; living指没有死、消失,继续存在、活动或起着作用,可修饰人,也可修饰物; 而live指“活的; 真的”,只用于物。
2.alive只用作表语或后置定语; living既可用作定语,又可用作表语; 而live仅用作定语。例如:
The mortally wounded man was unconscious but still alive.那个受了致命伤的人处于昏迷状态,可是还活着。
He has never seen a live tiger.他从没见过一只活老虎。
He is the greatest living poet.他是在世的最伟大的诗人。
Shelly was still living雪莱还活着。