easy 和easily有什么区别?

2020-09-21 教育 100阅读
Easy is simply not difficult or something can be down very simply without confusion or without much effort.
For example: It's easy to lose your bicycle in Beijing.
easy adj. -ier, -iest 容易的
It was an easy job and we did it quickly.
Our monitor is easy to approach.我们的班长平易近人。
That man is easy to deal with.那人容易打交道。
The mother had an easy delivery.母亲顺产。
The child had an easy delivery.婴儿顺产。
This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books.
Phillip is easy to please.菲力普容易满足。
They lead a very easy life.他们过着很舒服的日子。
"His father has stopped working now, and leads a very easy life."
(of) easy virtue 淫荡的
I'm easy.我听从你的。
I'm easy. (非正式)我毫不介意。
on easy terms分期付款
easier said than done说起来 容易做起来难
easy does it慢点儿, 小心点
Easy does it!别着急!
go easy轻松点
go easy on(对人)温和点
go easy on省点用
stand easy(稍息时)放松些,随便些
容易地, 不费力地
Easily is a manner which we do something, it's the opposite of hard or difficult.
For example: Some people learn languages more easily than other people.容易地,不费力地
Those young men are too easily disheartened by difficulties.
Francic is easily distinguished by his uniform.
Now people can cross the lake easily on / by a hovercraft.
I'm sure I can easily get the book from the bookstand in the corner of the main street.我保证我能很容易地从主街角上的书亭里买到这本书。
He is easily the highest in the class.他无疑是班上个儿最高的。
She is easily the cleverest girl in the family.
He is easily the best player among us.他无疑是我们中间最好的运动员。