
2020-09-05 教育 69阅读
some universities have created environmental studies programs that can be marketed to prospective students but that suffer from too little administrative support ,limited faculty resources ,and a lack of careful deliberation over the hard choices . In the short term ,this institutional strategy can pay rich dividends: at minimal expense a university can lay claim to an environmental studies program and attract new students or accommodate the interest of existing ones ,perhaps with the full intention of bringing additional resources to bear in later years . As the number of students in these skeleton programs grows ,however ,the flimsy administrative and curricular scaffolding begins to buckle ,leading to an anything-goes strategy that degenerates into curricular incoherence .
题目是 the passage implies which of the following about the relationship between students and environmental studies programs ?
答案是D选项 If a university offers an environmental studies program ,then students will enroll in it