
2020-10-28 教育 237阅读
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《新概念英语-青少版1B》Unit 26 –Unit 30 单元练习答案

1. ( D ) A. shopping B. show c. sugar D. television 2. ( C ) A. breakfast B. spring C. before D. cream 3. ( A ) A. stomach B. chair C. watch D. child 4. ( B ) A. hand B. which C. help D. who 5. ( C ) A. juice
B. gym
C. game D. bridge

II. Language use 语言应用 (30分)
A. 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共20题,每题1分) ( a )1.Can you ______ me your new mobile? It’s vey nice a) show b) look c) see d) give ( c )2.Pass me a ________ of soup ,please.
a) packet b) glass c) bowl d) cup ( d )3. Can you _______ us some coffee, please?
a) do b) take c) basket d) bring
( a )4. What’s ______ the menu?
a) on b) in c) for d) at
( b )5.Is it ____ dry and sunny for two days together ? a) never b) ever c)often d) always
( d )6. But I rains sometime ______summer ,too, especially ____ July.
a) in ..on b) in…at c) on…in d) in …in
( c )7.What ―s the weather like today ? – It’s ________.
a) snow b) rain c) cloudy d) sun
( b )8. John, you ______ awful! — I know. I feel awful, too!
a) have got b) look c) feel d) make
( a )9. We need a policeman, quick! This is an _______!
a) emergency b) appointment c) assistant d) always
( b )10. It’s 11:45. That’s a quarter ______ twelve. a) at b) to c) past d) after
( a )11.When’s your next English lesson? — It’s ______ Tuesday.
a) on b) to c) at d) for
( c )12. I’ve got ______ new potatoes and some salad.
a) the b) any c) some d) much
( d )13.____ a lot of food in the kitchen.
a) That’s b) They are c) There is d) There are
( b )14. ______ is the third day of the week.
a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Wednesday d) Monday ( a )15. Which month comes after February ?
a) March b) April c) January d) May
( d )16. _____ birthday ,Robert! Many happy returns of the day! a) Good b) Nice c) Well d) Happy ( c )17. But you _____ be careful.
第 2 页 共 2 页
a) do b) can c) must d) are
( d )18. _______ is the race this weekend? --- Ten miles.
a) How much b) How many c)How often d)How long ( b )19. I’m sure you can do _______ ,Paul.
a) good b)well c) nice d) right ( a )20. They come _________ all over the world. a) from b) in c) to d) over
B. 把左栏的问题与右栏的答案搭配起来, 把答案的字母写到括号内.(共10题,每题1分)
( C ) 1. How do you fell ?
A. It’s on March 22nd. ( D ) 2. When can you see the doctor?
B. She’ got a very bad cold. ( B ) 3. What’s the matter with Lucy?
C. I fell awful, I’ve got a headache. ( A ) 4. When is your birthday?
D. I can see her at half past three . ( E ) 5. What time is you English Lesson?
E. It’s at ten to eight. ( F ) 6.Have you got an earache?
F. No, I haven’t.. I’ve got toothache. ( J ) 7.What’s the time?
G. It’s the twenty-fifth of February. ( I ) 8.What’s the day
H. He’s Twelve years old . ( G )
9.What’s the date today? I. It’s Saturday. ( H )
10.How old is your brother? J. It’s a quarter past nine. III. Writing dialogue 完成对话 (共10 分,每句 2分)
Kevin: Who’s the boy _ in bed?(躺在床上的 男孩是谁?)
Mary: He’s Adam, my little brother. _He’s got toothache_ . ( 他牙痛。) Kevin: He looks very awful_. (他看上去很不舒服。)
Mary: Poor Adam。I call the dentist in the morning.(早上我给牙医打电话了。) Kevin: What time is the appointment?
Mary: It’s at four o’clock this afternoon.__. (今天下午4点) Kevin: Let’s hope for the best.