
2020-05-21 教育 63阅读
Would you know what to do during a really big earthquake?
Experts have looked into the matter carefully. Itmay be worth your while to look over the following tips they have for us in different situations:
1.Take Action For Earthquake Survival
Some earthquakes start with a foreshock, which is a little warning before the big one hits. People sleeping may not notice this while others might be awakened by rattling of a door.
Earthquake survival depends on doing some specific things. It is best to stay in bed unless a heavy light fixture is hanging from the ceiling. Hold on and protect the head with a pillow. In other cases, drop to the ground and get under cover. Find a table or other piece of furniture and hang on until the shaking stops.
2.Earthquake Survival Inside Buildings
If a person is indoors when the shaking starts, it is best to remain there until it stops and it is safe to go outside. Injuries happen when people attempt to leave a building or move to a different area inside. Earthquake survival research shows that it is good to minimize movement until the coast is clear or until rescuers arrive. Be aware that the electricity may go out and fire alarms or sprinkling systems may go on. Elevators should not be used.
3.Earthquake Survival Outdoors
If outside when the trembling starts, stay there. In order for earthquake survival, get away from buildings, utility wires and street lights and remain in the open. There is danger when standing by an exterior wall of a structure because it could collapse. There is also the hazard of being hit by flying glass and other falling objects. This is what causes most casualties during earthquakes.
4.Earthquake Survival In a Moving Vehicle
People in vehicles often think they are experiencing a flat tire during an earthquake. Once realization sets in, quickly pull over and stay in the vehicle for earthquake survival. Do not park under anything that could fall like large trees, overpasses and utility wires. After things have calmed down, proceed cautiously. There could be cracks in the road and damages done to bridges and ramps.
5.Earthquake Survival When Trapped
The good news for a person that is trapped during a quake is that they are still alive. In order to remain that way, the mouth should be covered with a cloth to avoid inhaling dust. A match should not be lit. Too much movement can kick up more dust and cause other objects to fall. It is best to stay calm to conserve energy and avoid inhaling dust. Instead of shouting, tap on a pipe or wall to be located and rescued.
These tips may prove to be lifesavers. We should, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.