LSE的summer school容易申请吗?我没有托福雅思成绩,但是专业课本都是英文的,看它网站上说这样子也可以

2020-06-28 教育 100阅读
我帮你去他主页上看了下,好像不是那么容易申请吧,你英文还行吧,那我给你看原文咯。哦,申请截止是5月17日,过了这个日期,另外要交a late fee 。
English Proficiency
Applicants are expected to be proficient in the use of English for academic purposes. For applicants for whom English is not a first language, a recognised qualification is required.
Required Score
TOEFL (paper-based test)627
TOEFL (computer-based test)263
TOEFL (internet-based test)107(including a minimum of 25/30 in each component)
7.0 including 7 in all components
Advanced Certificate or Cambridge Proficiency in English
Please note that the Cambridge First Certificate (FCE), and subject specific English qualifications (e.g. ILEC) are not acceptable qualifications.
Applicants who have studied, and been assessed, in English at university level (excluding English Language classes) meet our English language requirements and need not provide any further qualifications. This must be detailed in full on the application form. Please see the Student Community| page to determine whether or not you are likely to need to provide a language qualification
Applicants with an alternative qualification, or who have studied abroad, should contact the Summer School Office for advice.
Applicants who wish to refresh their language skills may be interested to note that the LSE Language Centre offers intensive one week English language courses prior to each Summer School session.
Course Prerequisites
We expect all Summer School students to show grades of around GPA 3.3, or a B+ average. In some instances it is possible to accept slightly lower qualifications, depending on the strength of the application as a whole.
200 and 300 level courses almost always have specific prerequisites, which can be found on the individual course pages. Prerequisites are university-level courses that are judged to be essential for study of a particular course.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are not considered sufficient prerequisites for a Summer School course requiring an introductory level course.
Some courses also have a mathematics or statistics prerequisite. Applicants for quantitative courses (particularly Econometrics) should include details of their mathematical and statistical background and their use of algebra and calculus.
If your application is unsuccessful, we will, where appropriate suggest an alternative course, or give you the opportunity to select another course.
All applications must be accompanied by a university transcript showing courses taken, grades and dates. If the transcript is not in English, the relevant, prerequisite courses should be highlighted and if necessary, translated.
If a transcript is not included with an application, the Office will contact the applicant to send this to us. This can cause a significant delay in the application process.
Academic Reference
It is not necessary to include a letter of reference or attestation with an application. However, in some cases it is necessary for the Summer School Office to contact referees, so the contact details of someone who can provide an academic reference (e.g. tutor, academic advisor) should be provided.