
2020-05-27 教育 68阅读
From industry to government, from schools to households, America's commitment to recycling has helped keep its communities clean and its economy strong. Federal agencies are further reducing waste generation, increasing recycling and purchases of recycled products. Read the following fact sheet and see what we can do to better protect our natural resources, improve our quality of life, and strengthen our economy.
Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century. Today, curbside recycling collection programs reach the majority of the American population. In fact more people recycle household waste than vote in elections. This nationwide, grassroots effort creates an immense flow of materials. Recycling, including composting, diverted 57 million tons of material away from landfills and incinerators in 1996, up from 34 million tons in 1990 --- a 67 percent increase in just 6 years. In 2005, the diversion rate resulting from recycling and composting is projected to reach 83 million tons, or 35 percent of all solid waste.
To understand how large this amount is, imagine recycling boxes 3 feet long(27 cubit feet) filled with recovered materials stacked end to end, forming a bridge from the earth to the moon. In 1996, these boxes would reach three quarters of the way to the moon. When we achieve our 2005 recycling goal of 35 percent, the boxes of recyclables will reach the moon.
Is recycling worth all the effort? Is profitability the only bottom line? Some observers suggest that current profitability is the only measure of success. This perspective focuses solely on how an individual recycling program impacts a community's total waste management costs, compared to the alternative of sending everything to a landfill or incinerator. Other observers suggest a broader view of the costs and benefits of recycling.

Although experience differs from one recycling program to another, the most successful programs, including many with the highest diversion rates, are cost-effective and, indeed, profitable. Inevitably, markets for collected recyclables go up and down. To somewhat insulate recycling programs from severe market swings, the efficiency of recycling programs must continually be improved. One of the goals for the recycling community in the next decade must be to identify and replicate the factors that determine success.
While efforts to learn from and adopt the methods used by the most efficient programs are ongoing throughout the country, it is important to recognize the many economic and environmental benefits recycling already achieves, many of these benefits might not be apparent to casual observers, might be clouded by municipal accounting and taxing peculiarities, or might not be reflected in the market prices of contracts between cities and recyclers, the full energy savings from recycling used beverage containers, for example, is not included in the prices negotiated in a curbside recycling contract.