grace是优雅的意思,形容女性,如奥黛丽赫本的银幕形象就可以用优雅来形容,在wife and daughters里面,也有类似的话,说,优雅并不是娶妻子的标准,该处的优雅似乎用的是elegent。似乎答非所问了。
In India, a garce was a unit of dry volume approximately equal to 5244 litres (149 US bushels). In Sri Lanka, it was approximately 5084.8 litres (144.29447)似乎是印度和斯里兰卡的容量单位。
Garce又似乎是个法文单词,"C'est qui cette garce?" Who is the tart that sent you the flowers? I teased, with mock jalousie,* not at all referring to my sister but to an imaginary。另请高明来回答吧