
2023-05-24 综合 32阅读
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Ten Chinese acres dwellings, five Chinese acres gardens. Has water one, has the bamboo thousand bamboo poles. Do not say the earth slender, do not say. Sufficiently narrow space, sufficiently rest shoulder. Has the hall to have the courtyard, has the bridge to have the ship. has the book to have the liquor, has the song to have the string. Some old men, must in vain floating. Knows the minute to be content, outside not strives. If the bird selects the wood, the paternal aunt serves the nest to be peaceful. If the turtle occupies the ridge, did not know that the sea is wide. spirit crane strange stone, purple water caltrop bud lotus. All I good, before me. When drinks a cup, or recites one. Wife children bright bright, chicken dog idle. Leisurely, I will spend one's last years during.