
2020-10-28 社会 74阅读
在内蒙古赤峰地区,树是政府和老百姓的“眼睛”。最典型的事例是,砍掉一棵树也要惊动当地政府官员,山上一冒烟,不管烧没烧着树,市长都会出动。道理很简单,生活在沙窝子里,几十年几代人种树,在树的身上他们投入了太多的血汗,也收到了显而易见的成效。人们看重树,也依赖着树。“案情”已经相当明了:“家大业大”,手就会松一点,“小门小户” 就要精打细算,要是“贫困户”更不敢轻易动血本了。从以上的陈述,可以看出,树作为一个活的“生命”,生存的地位被以这样或那样的形式给剥夺了。而这些“犯罪”行为,恰恰是我们人类至今没有引起重视的一个“盲点”。
对生命的伤害,尤其是对无辜生命的伤害,每个人都应该感到愧疚,包括一棵树、一根草和一切微观世界的生命。但在生活中,人类的生存和发展,在需要和保护面临选择的时候,对待树的“生命”就出现了人为的不平等。大到引发火灾、乱 滥伐,小到随意践踏、不经意的伤害,这样的例子数不胜数。在树叶渐渐枯萎的悲凉中,一座座大楼破土动工了。在冬季树木休眠的季节,树的立足之地,也就成了倒
在内蒙古赤峰地区,树是政府和老百姓的“眼睛”。最典型的事例是,砍掉一棵树也要惊动当地政府官员,山上一冒烟,不管烧没烧着树,市长都会出动。道理很简单,生活在沙窝子里,几十年几代人种树,在树的身上他们投入了太多的血汗,也收到了显而易见的成效。人们看重树,也依赖着树。“案情”已经相当明了:“家大业大”,手就会松一点,“小门小户” 就要精打细算,要是“贫困户”更不敢轻易动血本了。从以上的陈述,可以看出,树作为一个活的“生命”,生存的地位被以这样或那样的形式给剥夺了。而这些“犯罪”行为,恰恰是我们人类至今没有引起重视的一个“盲点”。
对生命的伤害,尤其是对无辜生命的伤害,每个人都应该感到愧疚,包括一棵树、一根草和一切微观世界的生命。但在生活中,人类的生存和发展,在需要和保护面临选择的时候,对待树的“生命”就出现了人为的不平等。大到引发火灾、乱 滥伐,小到随意践踏、不经意的伤害,这样的例子数不胜数。在树叶渐渐枯萎的悲凉中,一座座大楼破土动工了。在冬季树木休眠的季节,树的立足之地,也就成了倒 Attention a tree's fate Attention a tree fate, don't know how many people can seem to agree. We may wish to make an assumption: if you set a "forest court", we everyone becomes the defendant. By stating memoir, can make clear judgment - for example, in the large tracts of forest fire occurring, at least to want to achieve "mu" quantity can be called the evil. In 1987, even like the greater hinggan mountains forest fires that disaster, although men give it as a "severe" qualitative, but how many trees were burnt, who also countless. Here, the tree as life by "grass jian". Most people think primeval forest, is the ancestors left, burn too regrettable, sends out also just sigh. Nature reserves or western drought areas, cut or destroyed burned trees, is to tree for the unit to the waste water, rubbish, oil field of erosion, makes some trees in the regreening before they wrecked his life... Calculation of, because these local trees is too precious. Goats with no tree is very desolate, people are eager for trees. In Inner Mongolia chifeng district, the tree is the government and public "eyes". The most typical example, cut down a tree is also want to disturb the local government officials, the mountain a smoke, whether burn have no burning tree, the mayor will go out. It is simple, living in sand WoZi, decades generations upon the tree planting trees, they gave too much blood, also has received the obvious effect. People will value trees, and rely on trees. "Case" are fairly clear: "home greatundertaking big", hand will loose a bit, "small small" will have carefully, if "poor" more daren't move unprofitable. From the above statement, we can see that the tree as a living "life", survival's status was in one form or another to deprived. And these "crime" behavior, exactly is our human has not been attached a blind spot. The damage to life, especially on innocent lives damage, everyone should feel guilty, including a tree, a blade of grass and all the microscopic life. But in life, human survival and development, in need and protect faced with a choice, treat tree "life" appear factitious inequality. Big to fires, disorderly denudation, small to trample on, casual damage, such examples is endless. The leaves of the dismal gradually wither, imaging whole building ground-broken. In winter trees