
2020-10-02 教育 58阅读
1. marijuana n dried leaves etc, of hemp, smoked in cigarettes as a drug大麻
2. evoke v to inspire or draw forth 引起,激起
The music evoked memories of her youth.
派生词汇:Evocative adj 引起回忆的,唤起感情的evocation n引起,唤起 evocable adj可换出的
3. undisturbed adj not disturbed or interfered with 不受干扰的,未受干扰的
The old man likes living an undisturbed life.
派生词汇:Disturbance n打扰;烦恼;混乱 disturber n 干扰者 disturbing adj 烦扰的 disturbingly 另人不安地
4. arable adj fitfor cultivation, as by plowing 可耕作的
There is no arable land.
n land fit to be cultivated 可耕地
5. harrow vt to pull a harrow over land 耙地
The land has been harrowed.
6. herbicide n substance that is poisonous to plants, used to destroy weed 除草剂
He bought herbicide to destroy weed.
派生词汇:Herbicidal adj 除草的 7. germinate vt to cause sth start growing 使某物发芽,萌芽
The plentiful rain germinated my plants.
vi to begin to sprout or grow 开始发芽或发育
The cabbage germinated within a week.
派生词汇:Germination n 萌芽,发育
8. dormant adj temporarily inactive 潜伏的,休眠的Many plants lies dormant throughout the winter.
必背搭配:Lie dormant 潜伏,冬眠
9. unyoke v to free from chains or unfair limitation 解除束缚,
The cow was unyoked.
10.tamarind n (edible fruit of) a tropical tree罗望子树(果)
There are many tamarinds in Africa.
Exercises 1.The newly published review on the book has ___ much controversy.
2.China is lacking in____ land.
3.The land must be e _____ before we plant the grains.
4.Seeds _____ in the spring.
5.Her feelings of affection are ____ but easily awakened.
答案: 1.evoked