
2021-11-13 教育 129阅读
A old woman and a boy
A boy goes to shopping.When he finish shopping,A old woman says to him:''Hello,boy.You look like my son.He died last week.Can you say 'mum' to me?It will make me feel better.''The loving boy says:''Mum!''Then the woman goes.The seller tell the boy:''206yuan." ''But I only buy two books!'' ''Yes,but that old woman tell me his son will pay for her."
一个男孩去购物.当他结束购物时,一个老女人对他说:"你好,小男孩.你看起来很像我的儿子.他上周死了.你能对我叫一声妈妈吗?它会使我感觉好一点."这个有爱心的男孩就叫了:"妈妈!"然后这个女人就走了.售货员对小男孩说:"206元." ''可是我只买了两本书!" "是的,但是那个老女人告诉我她儿子会替她付钱."