
2022-08-04 教育 190阅读
动词 +介词短语 agree on 同意(某点)
agree with 同意(某人)
approve of 批准
argue with 争辩
arrive at 到达却(小地方)
arrive in 到达(大城市、国家)
be better off 富了
be used to 惯于
believe in 相信
belong to 属于
care for 照顾
comment on 评论
complain about 抱怨
consent to 同意
consist of 包括
count on 指望
decide on 决定
depend on 依靠
forget about 忘记
get though 通过
give up 放弃
go on 继续
hear about 听说
hear from 听取
insist on 坚持
keep on继续
laugh at 嘲笑
listen to 听
look at 看看
object to 反对
pay for 支付
rely on 依靠
succeed in 成功
talk about 谈
talk to 交谈
think about 思考
think of 想到
vote for 投票
wait for 等待
wish for 祝愿
work for 工作