
2020-07-02 教育 110阅读
So wonderful is“Gone with the wind”that it’s still my favorite film though there are many great movies in the world.
As far as I'm concerned,Captain Rett is such a gentleman that he protect and take care of his wife,Scarlet, in real earnest. His love is deep as the ocean,however,the girl he loves doesn't love him.
Opposite to everyone else,I don’t like Scarlet very much,because of not only her cool,but aiso I really think she is so silly that she is guilty,to Rett. Although she is good at attracting guys,she doesn’t know who’s her true love,and never value Rett's love.That’s why she can't get Rett's trust in the end.
In short,love is gift that should be cherished and never forgotten,love can't lose after regret.