
2020-07-17 教育 83阅读

请输入您的回答... FORTRAN Source Codes

  • ARBY4, a reduced basis fluid flow code;
  • ASA159, compute a random table with given row and column sums;
  • BIVAR, construct and evaluate an interpolating function Z(X,Y) from scattered data(计算三点的插值函数);
  • BLEND, 1/2/3D blending interpolation(混合插值);
  • BUMP, computation of flow over a bump (RETIRED);
  • CALPAK, calendar calculations(日历计算);
  • CBLAS, Complex Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms(线性代数求解);
  • CHANNEL, computation of variable strength channel flow (RETIRED);
  • CHRPAK, a character manipulation library(字符处理库);
  • CLUSTER_ENERGY, computes the minimal cluster energy of a set of points;
  • CODEPACK, graph codes or "signatures";
  • COLORS, RGB color conversion;
  • COLUMN, extracts a given column from a file;
  • COMBO, Kreher and Stinson combinatorial routines;
  • CONVERT, converts units of measurement (RETIRED);
  • CRYSTAL, simulates the creation of silicon crystals;
  • CRYSTAL_QED, minimize crystallization cost parameters;
  • CVT, a code that positions a given number of points in an arbitrary region, using probabilistic centroidal Voronoi tesselation techniques to achieve good coverage and separation(在给定区域内布点,采用随机质心voronoi结构法);
  • CVT_BASIS, a code under development, for using CVT techniques to extract a small set of representative behaviors from a large set of solutions of a PDE(采用CVT法提取偏微分方程解集的局部子集);
  • CVT_BASIS_CAVITY, 500 flow velocity solutions in a driven cavity, for use by CVT_BASIS;
  • CVT_BASIS_DATA, hundreds of data files for use by CVT_BASIS;
  • CVT_BASIS_INOUT, 500 flow velocity solutions in a cell with inflow and outflow, for use by CVT_BASIS;
  • CVT_BASIS_TCELL, 500 flow velocity solutions in a T-cell for use by CVT_BASIS;
  • CVT_DENSE, attempt to prescribe CVT cell sizes using a density function (experimental code; no good results yet)(采用密度函数计算CVT胞的尺寸);
  • CVT_MAX, attempt to prescribe CVT cell sizes (experimental code; not producing good results yet);
  • CVT_PARK, attempt to prescribe CVT cell sizes (experimental code; not producing good results yet);
  • CVT_SIZE, attempt to prescribe CVT cell sizes using weighted distances (采用加权距离)(experimental code; not producing great results yet);
  • CVT_WEIGHT, my last attempt to try to prescribe CVT cell sizes, and another failure!;
  • DBLAS, Double Precision Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms(双精度的基本线性代数子程序);
  • DCDFLIB, probability CDF evaluation (RETIRED);
  • DESIGN, spherical designs for quadrature on the sphere(适于球面积分);
  • DIVDIF, divided difference tables;
  • DQED, double precision bounded and constrained least squares and nonlinear equation solver;
  • DUTCH, some computational geometry routines;
  • EISPACK, an "ancient" eigenvalue package superseded by LAPACK(Lapack中的经典特征值求解包);
  • ERRORS, numerical nonsense;
  • EXTRACT, extracts a module from a FORTRAN file(提取模块);
  • F90, simple FORTRAN90 examples;
  • F90SPLIT, splits FORTRAN77 or FORTRAN90 source into individual files(分离fortran77和fortran90);
  • FEM_CODES, some simple finite element method demonstration programs(简单的有限元演示程序);
  • FEMOD1, 1D interactive finite element code;
  • FEMOD2, 2D interactive finite element code;
  • FEMPACK, simple finite element routines;
  • FFTPACK, Fourier transforms(傅里叶变换);
  • FILUM, file utilities;
  • FIXCON, convert F77 continuation to F90(将F77变成F90);
  • FLOW3, finite element fluid flow solver, version 3 (RETIRED);
  • FLOW4, finite element fluid flow solver, version 4 (RETIRED);
  • FLOW5, finite element fluid flow solver, version 5(有限元流体求解器);
  • FLOW6, finite element fluid flow solver, version 6;
  • FLOW7, finite element fluid flow solver, version 7 (under development);
  • FOOTBALL, computing football team rankings from game scores;
  • GENE_CLUSTER, investigate energy-minimizing clusters of genetic expression data;
  • GEOMETRY, 2D/3D geometric calculations(几何计算);
  • GEOMPACK, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation(voronoi图及delaunay三角网格化程序);
  • GEOMPACK3, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation;
  • GRAFPACK, calculations for graphs;
  • HALTON, the Halton subrandom sequence;
  • HELP, display a VMS help file;
  • HPF, High Performance FORTRAN examples (RETIRED);